Reality - Multi-Media Specialist Art
Tibaldo of the Baguio Media Museum
and Animation Studio uses cinema and television special effects to demonstrate how communications evolved from cave painting
to satellite broadcasting. Tibaldo opens his garage-cum museum every saturday to Baguio City's curious spectators. CNArelease

EDUTAINMENT-Above photo shows Mass Communication students of the University of the Cordilleras
working on a PC-based radio infomercial project that they conceptualized and accomplished at the studio.

The Media Museum has a growing collection of media tools and paraphernalia such as old
film projectors, movie cameras, typewriters, microphones, printing equipment etc.
It has a ready to operate radio announcer's booth, darkroom, media library and TV studio.
Housed at the studio is an animator's desk and areas for artwoks and movie props. A
wide collection of cartoon characters and toys also adorn the recieving area that was originally intended as a garage.
Future activities of the media museum will include a residency program for artists, filmmakers
and visiting reporters. A training module on Video Production, 2D Animation, TV Broadcasting and Photography is
now being developed as an add-on feature of the media museum. The Cordillera News Agency-Television is preparing
a reality-TV type of production that will be aired in Baguio's cable networks.